Desilting & Dredging
Desilting is a specific type of dredging activity that focuses on removing accumulated sediment, silt, and debris from the bottom of water bodies like rivers, canals, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. The process aims to restore the original depth and capacity of the water body, improve water flow, and address issues related to sedimentation. Desilting plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and functionality of water bodies by mitigating sedimentation-related issues and also flood alleviation.
Mechanical Silt Removal
Mechanical desilting is the most common and cost effective method used, this is due to the quantity of material that is often removed during this process, there are many mechanical silt removal options available.

The Truxor is a versatile amphibious machine that can be used for various aquatic management tasks, including silt removal. Its design allows it to work effectively in wetland areas and water bodies, making it suitable for removing accumulated sediment and silt from the bottom of lakes, ponds, rivers, canals and other water bodies. There are various methods for de silting. The Truxor machine can either dredge the silt using a clamshell bucket or a silt pump via a series of lay flat pipes.
There are occasions where the Truxor machine is not suitable on larger scale projects, we also have available amphibious excavators and long reach diggers as an alternative or to work alongside the Truxor where applicable. Our team will always ensure the most sensitive methods are used to protect the surroundings. Depending on the project we can work alongside ecologists to ensure endangered species and wildlife are protected during the works.

What happens after the desilting process?
Once the silt has been removed from the water course there's always the tricky task of finding somewhere for it to go. Our specialist team can provide options on a case by case scenario as every project and surroundings are different.
Some of the options may include:
Depositing on available land - This is often the most common method, however we appreciate this can look un slightly for a period of time. If required our team can revisit and make good of any deposited silt using a specialist wild flower mix which will attract a variety of wildlife into the area making for an eco haven.
Building up existing banks - If you have low level banks / walkways this can be a great way to find space for the silt along with building up walkways.
Silt pumping into de watering bags - The Truxor amphibious machines pump the silt into the enclosed dewatering bags, once complete you are left with a bag full of silt. When this has dried out into a more useable state this can be spread around any land and planted with grass seed / wildflower mix.
Nicospan fencing - This can be used to shore up banks and also store silt behind. This has been proven to create wider existing banks, protect from erosion and also create new islands using dredged material.
Simply Aquatic are silt removal experts and can assist in pond & lake dredging, waterway maintenance, environmental dredging and efficient sediment removal.
Contact Simply Aquatic today to learn more on how we can help with your desilting & dredging requirements.​