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Case Study:
Domestic Client - Stevenage

The Challenge:

A lot of ponds and lakes are there for aesthetics or habitat reasons however most serve a purpose! Our client's pond in Stevenage was heavily overgrown with bulrush, completely obscuring the water's surface. This pond was used for water run off via the property therefore it was essential it's kept clear. This Bulrush had spread out in a very short space of time. 


Our Solution:

Using the Truxor amphibious machine, we efficiently removed the overgrown bulrush, placing it in 1 neat pile on the pond edge ready to be moved on at a later date. This approach allows insects and habitats to gradually return to the water as the silt naturally decomposes.​


The Results:

By the end of the project, the pond was transformed, revealing clear, open water allowing for greater water storage which is essential to the ponds design and function. Just for the removal of reeds this helped to restore 0.5m of water depth and helped manage water flow around the island which previously stagnated areas and allowed for silt build up.


Bulrush overgrown in lake


Lake with bulrush removed

During the Works

Truxor removing bulrush
Truxor removing bulrush
Bulrush removal with truxor
Bulrush removal with truxor
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